SoilSaver™ kan transporteres til alle steder der jordsanering er nødvendig, noe som gjør den egnet for alle typer prosjekter der jorda er biologisk forurenset.
De ulike modellene har kapasitet fra 5-40 tonn behandlet jord per time, avhengig av jordkvalitet, temperatur og fuktighet.
Det eneste som trengs er tilgang til vann og noen til å sikre jordmatingen til maskinen.
SoilSaver™ er utstyrt med avansert programvare som sikrer resultatet av behandlingen (høy nok temperatur og lang nok tid) – og hele systemet er online og overvåkes av SoilSteam-hovedkvarteret.
SoilSteam SoilSaver™ er et flott verktøy for å behandle jord som er biologisk forurenset, av blant annet invaderende fremmedearter. Tester er utført på følgende arter:
Norske navn: Floghavre, Hønsehirse, Kjempebjørnekjeks, Tromsøpalme, Kjempespringfrø, Alpegullregn, Gullregn, Hagelupin, Rynkerose, Rødhyll, Svartsøtvier, Kanadagullris, Platanlønn, Praktmarikåpe, Junisøtmispel / Blåhegg.]
Botaniske navn: Avena fatua, Echinochloa crus-galli, Heracleum mantegazzianum, Heracleum persicum, Impatiens glandulifera, Laburnum alpinum, Laburnum anagyroides, Lupinus polyphyllus, Rosa rugosa, Sambucus racemosa, Solanum nigrum, Solidago canadensis.
Vennligst kontakt oss or å motta informasjon om SoilSaver™-priser og betalingsbetingelser.
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Yes. Steam is 100% pure water. No chemicals are used to kill the weeds, seeds and pathogens.
Soil steaming is energy intensive. Heating the soil from 10-30ºC up to more than 90ºC demands a high amount of energy, and we’re therefore working hard to reduce the energy requirement. As our SoilSaver machine is designed for energy efficiency, almost all of the energy in the steam is used to heat the soil. In cooperation with research institutes, we are also conducting detailed studies of the required temperature and time we need to get the results we want. There is no reason to overheat the soil, nor from an energy or soil health point of view.
Our current machines can use diesel, propane, electricity and most oil or gas energy sources. We want to reduce CO2 emissions, so we’ve started a project to investigate the potential for hydrogen as a future energy source.
Despite using fossil fuel, the CO2 footprint will be less, as we typically reduce soil transport to a minimum. Much of the soil we can treat is today transported by trucks to landfills. Place our SoilSaver on the constriction site and treat the soil where it is.
Reduction of seeds, weeds, pests, fungi, nematodes and harmfull bacterias up to 100% depending on type and treatment process.
Today, there is no other method to eliminate invasive plant species and quarantine pests in soil, so that the soil can be re-used again.
It is also a fast and very controlled method where the temperature and duration of treatment can be documented, in comparison to compostation, which also last for a longer time, at lower temperature, with lower security.
Many construction operations involve machinery that is potentially hazardous. A good practice demands properly trained operators and appropriate risk management. Soil steaming is no different and our machines incorporate appropriate safety features as standard, including software that monitors and control the process.
Our steam generators operates on low-pressure, reducing risk of serious accidents.
We are based in Norway and perform several tests and demos here every year. We’re conducting demonstrations and trials of the technology in Europe and the US. Follow our blog and our social media feeds to see when we’re coming to a place near you!
Steam is a very effective sterilizer. That’s why it’s used in hospitals and other places where utmost cleanliness is essential.
For our SoilSaver, we raise the temperature to a high level over a specified time period to eliminate weeds, seeds and soil born organisms. We call this soil sterilization. Natural soil life will re-appear relatively quickly after the soil has been given a new use, but it can also be introduced faster by mixing the steamed soil with non-steamed soil, or compost.
Every operation that handles soil has the potential to cause damage. Soil steaming is no different, so it’s important to use it responsibly. We suggest that soil steaming is conducted no more than necessary and use equipment that can maintain a controlled soil temperature.
Yes – the steaming process kills both weed seed and weed roots. Some weeds require higher temperature/time than others, and it typically takes higher temperature/time to kill weeds compared to soil born organisms. It is therefore very important to analyze the soil before steaming and adapt the steam temperature profile to the problems at hand.
We need water in order to make the steam. Our largest machines need 2000 liters of water per hour, while our smaller machines consumes 250 liters per hour. A large portion of the water remains as humidity in the soil, pending soil type, soil surface, and environmental conditions.
Our machines are sold or leased. The price is related to the capacity of the equipment. Contact us for more information.
As with other large machinery, the user needs to do simple daily maintenance tasks. These are easy to complete. More advanced maintenance is handled by SoilSteam personnel after a given timeline.
The SoilSaver™ machines are available for sale. The demand is currently high compared to our existing capacity. Please reach out to us to get more information about availability and delivery time.